5 Elements every blog post must have

It should go without saying that a blog post should be informative, useful, enjoyable to read, but easy to skim. Truth is, blog posts have 5 very important elements that need to be present in order to make them successful. These 5 blog elements will make your post shine!

5 things every blog post must have


1. A keyword rich, catchy title

It draws you in, it tells you what the blog post it about, and it never hurts if it contains good keywords that someone would search for on Google or Pinterest.

Not sure what makes for a great blog title? Check out CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer. It will help you create more powerful, click-worthy post titles.


2. Appropriate, properly licensed images

I don’t know about you, but I’m no photographer. I do my best to include self-taken images where applicable, but there’s no shame in using stock images so long as they are properly licensed. Yes, that means that you shouldn’t be on Google searching for images.

Instead, check out some of my favorite stock photo websites:

Including images in your blog post will help break up some of the text and make a more enjoyable reading experience… plus, it’s just prettier that way!


3. Key post points

Readers love skimmable content – like this post! Including headers makes it easier for them to find the information they are looking for and quickly! I like to do this by using heading tags and making clear points that the reader can pick up on even if they don’t read the post word-for-word.

Related Reading: Top 10 HTML & CSS codes that every blogger should know


4. Links to related blog posts you’ve written

See what I did there? Linking back to related blog posts gives your readers something else to read and a direction to go in while on your website. If you have a blog post that they could benefit from based on the subject matter of the post they are currently reading, you should always link to it.


5. A call-to-action or closing question

Start up a conversation and get your audience engaged by asking a question at the end of your blog posts. This prompts them to take an action – hopefully to leave a comment on your post.

You can also encourage them to perform a specific action such as sharing your post (Example: “If you enjoyed this post, click to share it on Twitter”), signing up for your newsletter, etc.

Let me know in the comments what you include in your blog posts, or what’s more important to you from my list.